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Automatic trans obturator tape (t.o.t.) application needle tool


In this device, there is a needle that is activated by the movement of the thumb and goes towards the corresponding end, and a tip that meets this needle.  This tip serves as the receiving finger in the tot application.


How to use the tool: First of all, a rope is attached to both ends of the strip mesh and the mesh is made ready for the process.

Procedure: First, dissections are made on the urethra and the pubic rami on both sides are reached.  Then, the holes where the mesh thread will come out are prepared on the skin.  The receiving end of the tool is passed through the tunnel opened over the urethra and placed behind the bone (where the finger is placed in the normal tot procedure), and then the thumb part of the tool is pressed and the needle follows a special movement route, passing the hole in the skin and turning around the pubic ramus to meet this part.  In this way, the tool is rotated around its own axis to ensure that the needle tip comes out of the dissection area at the bottom (just like a normal Tot needle turns and comes out from below).  The thread attached to the end of the mesh is passed through the hole at the end of the needle.  In this way, the tool is completely turned back and moved towards the tunnel, then the needle is moved away from the opposing tip by moving the thumb, the mesh and the thread attached to the tip of the needle come out from above together.  The same process is done on the opposite side.


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